Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Thoughts about Comments

I read through all of the comments left on my various blog posts thus far and noticed a few things that I really liked in some comments. First of all comments that pose questions to the blog writer are really helpful. Such as questions like "why did you choose to write about this or why did you do it that way?"

I also really appreciate when people have a different vision when reading my posts and share how they saw it going differently. I think the most memorable comments are the ones on my introduction post when people have something in common with each other. Its almost like a little bond is created from that and then you can identify that person based on something you share.

I also like receiving comments focused on the design and layout of my blog. When looking at it with my eyes everyday it is hard to notice things that may be an eye sore or just plain hard to read. This is why I like getting comments about that, for example someone told me earlier this week that my sidebar was too squished... I looked and then I agreed and changed it.

As for my own commenting so far, I think I have done a pretty good job of leaving comments of substance. I liked the last two weeks of commenting because our teacher, Laura, gave us specific things to focus on and that made my commenting more unique than just "I liked this/that." I have worked really hard each week to do the extra blog comments for bonus points, and I think that extra writing is making me a better analyzer of stories and it helps me to better articulate my thoughts. My commenting could benefit from me reading what others have commented before I make my comment. That way we aren't all saying the same things!

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