Monday, March 7, 2016

Future Reading Selections

My task now is to explore the UnTextbook for this class and to select the stories I would like to read for the next two weeks. The next section is the Native American unit and we will pick two sub units of it to read for weeks 9 and 10, which are the two weeks following spring break. It's hard to believe we are already at the week before spring break and making these final reading choices.

For week 9 I will read the unit called "Inuit (Eskimo) Folk Tales." The title of this unit caught my attention and then I read the summary of it and I knew I wanted to read all the stories. I don't know much about the life of Eskimos but I think it would be really interesting to see what things are popular in their culture and to see some history in these stories. The stories seem like they cover a wide variety of topics so I don't think I'll be at all bored with this unit.
Image on the intro area for the Inuit (Eskimo) Unit. (I'm interested to see what this creature is)
For week 10 I will read "Native American Hero Tales." I have not read any units so far that have focused just on heroes so I think this will be an interesting one to read. Some of the stories within this unit had interesting titles as well so I'm looking forward to reading the whole stories. Again I like that I'll be able to learn about the native American culture from these stories.

1 comment:

  1. I completely forgot to do this assignment since I was working on my lab final last week. This explains why I'm browsing through my peers' blog for some ideas! Native American Hero tales sounds a good start for next week's readings. I would actually like to expose myself to the roots of Native American story telling. It could be interesting to read through their origin stories.
