Monday, March 7, 2016

Blog Feature Ideas

For this assignment I looked at a few  other blogs and selected three whose layout and features I really liked. I analyzed these three blogs the select a few things that I might want to change on my blog. The links to the three blogs and what I liked about each of them are listed below.
I like how the stories and the navigation side bar were together in one large lighter purple block. I also like that her blog didn't have navigation tabs at the top, like mine does, and instead just on the side. It was all so easy to read because of the font styles and colors.
I really like how this blog takes up much more of the page with the writing column instead of leaving a lot of empty space on the sides. My blog's writing area is pretty skinny right now and I should look into expanding it to make better use of my blog.
One unique feature of this blog is the quote of the day located at the top of the sidebar. I think this would be interesting to include on my blog because it would give the reader something new to see everyday. It would also be cool if I got to pick it as it would be a reflection of my interests.

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