Monday, March 7, 2016

Time Strategies

In the beginning of the semester I chose to start my work for this class on Sundays, also working on Monday and then finishing up the next Saturday. I have found that pretty much every week since the beginning that this time allotment has not actually worked for me. I usually start the week's work on Tuesday evening, doing both reading diaries and the storytelling post. I also try to do the project feedback and the extra blog comments on Tuesday or Wednesday. Then that just leaves me the work on my storybook project and the blog comments, which I normally knock out Friday afternoon or I'll wait until Sunday to do it.

So my official start date should change to Tuesday- doing 2 hours, Wednesday- 2 hours, Friday OR Sunday- 2 hours.

As for how I handle my time for other classes.... I feel that I've done a really good job of working ahead and working hard all week so that I can enjoy my weekends. There truly is way more going on the spring than the fall so I like to be able to put away the books and homework and go hangout outside, go to sporting events, go to date parties, and do philanthropy events. 

Knowing that after spring break things will get even crazier, I will have to be sure to finish my Netflix shows over spring break so that I'm not tempted to watch them during the rest of the semester. I also think it will be increasingly important that I get enough sleep so I can finish the semester strong.

How I feel when I spend time planning/focusing on time management

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