Monday, January 18, 2016

Comment Wall

Hi all, leave your comments for me here!

Personal photo taken by my awesome photographer friend, Karly.



  1. Hey,
    I just read your introduction for your storybook. I really liked it. At first I was pretty curious how dogs, fairies, trolls and gnomes were all going to fit together in the storybook. As I kept reading I understood, good idea!

    Your storybook fits really well with your intro and cover page. It a very neat and clean format. I got a really warm/happy feeling from the pictures. From your introduction though it sounds like there were some bad times in the past.

    I am very curious how the puppies will react to the story. I wonder if they will cross into the garden or keep the peace and stay on their side. I know if I were a puppy I would be pretty curious to cross over. The stories would have to be pretty intense to keep me from exploring. I look forward to finding out what choice the puppies make. Great introduction so far!

  2. Hi! Your story immediately interested me when I first looked at the title page. I have always enjoyed reading about fairy tale creatures so I was excited to see that your storybook is focused on fairies, trolls, and gnomes. I really enjoyed the picture that you decided to use in the title page. It makes the trolls looks very cute. It made me wonder what part the trolls are going to have in your storybook. I seems like they are the main characters and nice ones even! However, when I read your introduction blurb I was extremely surprised to find out that main character of your storybook is in fact a cute little dog. When I learned the dog would be the narrator of the story it actually sparked my interest a little bit more. I realized that your storybook will be a very unique one. I can’t wait to read the stories you add to this in the future!

  3. Hey Madison! First off, I absolutely love the introduction to your storybook! I can’t wait to read the stories about the garden creatures. You also did a really good job of painting a mental image for the reader by describing the layout and look of the garden where the dogs and creatures coexist. I wonder why the pixies, trolls and goblins were so mean to the dogs? I liked how you introduced the four dogs. It’s cool how the dogs are very different and have their own personalities. I especially like the character named Bear, because my dog at home is a husky!

    The format of your introduction was planned out well. It was smart to put Cocoa’s thoughts to herself in italics… it made it obvious to the reader that she was talking to herself in that moment. I also liked how you had a paragraph break between the dialogue of each character it made it clear and easy to read who was talking when! Keep up the good work!

  4. Hey Madison,

    I really like how your blog has the toolbar up at the top for viewers to get from page to page, rather than having to scroll through the long list of tags. It just seems cleaner and more efficient this way for some reason. I also really like the font for the header; it's really cute, and fits the background well!

  5. Hi! I like that your labels are at the top of the page rather than the side. Everything seems very organized!

  6. I love your background! It's so pretty and vibrant and it's very lively.

  7. Your background is obviously killer, but honestly what blew me away is your labels up on top! I havn't seen anyone with labels up there so far. It is a really nice, professional aesthetic.

  8. I’ve never heard any songs by Florence + The Machine which is weird because my sister loves Florence Welch. I like her though and the music is interesting. I like the video as well. It’s a fantastic video. I must admit, I love masks. I love the masks in the video. I’ve always wanted to go to a masquerade so I’m partial to this music video.

  9. Hi Madison! I really enjoy your storybook so far. The introduction is clear and easy to read. Although I feel the font could be made a little bit bigger. I like how the story is told by dogs. It is a different approach and I found it quite enjoyable. I found the first story enjoyable. I guess pixies can be quite vengeful. I had always thought of them as mischievous, but not mean. But I guess they can be if they fell wronged. I did have an issue with the first story. I found it a little bit difficult with almost every paragraph being one line long. I get that the dogs are telling a story, but if it is the same dog talking for multiple lines, you might think about putting them together into a longer paragraph. As it stands now, it it difficult to tell whether it is one dog talking or if each line is a different dog. Just something you might want to think about. The story line itself is quite enjoyable and I look forward to reading more from you soon.

  10. Hey! I just read your storybook and I am loving it! I love anything about dogs so I think that was a great character set to work with. The pixie story was so entertaining and surprising! I honestly did not see such a gruesome twist coming! But that is a great way to scare the puppies! The only suggestion I have is that adding the puppies's reactions throughout the story would be great! It would be nice touch showing their fear of the story and pull together the whole concept you are going for!

  11. I love Florence + The Machine! I've never heard "Shake It Out" before, or seen the music video, so it was really cool to be able to watch/hear it for the first time! You actually inspired me to listen to more of their music after hearing this song, which was kind of a fun way to spend some of my break! Great choice!

  12. Hey Madison! Love your song / music video! I like Florence + The Machine as well! I don’t think there is a song by them that I don’t like. I actually had no idea that the girl was a red head! Not that it matters, I just thought it was very interesting because I always pictured her blonde whenever I listen to her!

  13. Hi Madison!
    I really enjoyed reading the stories that you had up in you storybook! I think it is very creative how you have it set up with the dogs passing on their stories to the puppies. I had never heard any of the original stories before this, but you did a good job of explaining them and how you changed them for your stories. I was really surprised how evil the fairies were! I didn’t think it would get that bad, but I think it definitely adds to the purpose of scaring the puppies from going into the garden. Your story with the trolls was really interesting too! I liked that the trolls were mostly just upset that they weren’t getting he attention they wanted. They definitely seemed very spiteful, and like they would do anything to get what they wanted. It would be interesting to find out if the puppies could really keep all these rules straight, or if they will need a constant babysitter to watch them.

  14. Hi again! I just finished reading Troll Turned Cat and I really enjoyed this story. I love how you have the dogs passing down these stories to keep them out of the garden. I like that you made the paragraphs in this story a little longer. To me, it makes it a little easier to read that the first story was. I love how the trolls enjoyed Molly's attention and got mad when the dogs took that from them. It really surprised me that trolls would like attention from humans. I think the puppies are going to be terrified by the time all the stories are heard. Either that, or they will be so curious as to the truth of the stories that they will end up getting into trouble. I'm curious as to how the puppies are taking it all in. You do a great job with your stories and I look forward to reading the rest of your storybook.

  15. I like having the dog as the narrator. He is the perfect size to interact with the little pixies, gnomes, trolls, goblins, and other things hiding in the tall grass. I think it would have been interesting to have Cocoa actually narrate the intro instead of just telling us that our narrator is a Pekingese dog named Cocoa.
    I like how Cocoa has a mission to save his little puppies, and plans to save them with stories.
    The following are my comments on your story Pixies' Revenge:
    I can see why the pixies would be mad, the gods took their pixie circle. It's cute how the little puppies ask questions and interrupt the story like real children do. The pixies sound truly evil in the story! Burning down trees and killing their inhabitants. This story does end up having a mostly happy ending. After reading your authors note I seems like your stuck pretty close to the original story, minus the little puppies.

  16. Hey! I am just checking back in with your second story! It was so great! I like how you took a concept from an old story and made it work for your overall theme. I think that really shows your creativity. The turning into a cat works perfectly because stereo typically dogs hate cats already. They are also typically really protective of their owners. Which fits well with the concept of wanting her attention and not play with the cats or trolls. But in order to protect her they were very selfless and gave up some of their time. Your story flowed very well and I enjoyed reading it! I hope the puppies learn all their lessons.

  17. Hello, Madison! I am here to leave a comment about storybook! First of all. I love the pictures of trolls in your front page. I was wondering what garden creatures were but when I saw that picture, I could figure out what garden creatures were. I think you did a great job with that picture because it really helped me understand what you are going to write about and talk about. I like theme you picked as well. Since the background theme was green color, I felt like I was reading your story in the middle of the garden which is perfect environment to read about garden creatures! Furthermore, I think it was such a brilliant Idea that you have picked Cocoa as your narrator. I should have picked my dog as a narrator as well! I think that is just an wonderful idea! Since you posted the picture of Cocoa, I could imagine Cocoa telling me story about pixies and trolls. Although, to be honest, the picture that you used for troll turned cat, it was a little bit scary looking. Great job!

  18. This is a really cute storybook Madison! I love dogs so I love that the garden creature stories have to do with dogs! I can totally see this actually happening, where dogs come across some little animals and make a truce that they wont bother each other. But since I love dogs it think that its sad that these mean garden creatures hurt these dogs and were more powerful then them, I wish the dogs won haha! I want to read more of your stories, all the different dogs you described has such interesting and unique characteristics. I’m sure that that group would have some entertaining stories to tell. The picture of the Cocoa in your introduction is so cute! I also like the layout of your storybook and like that you used green as the color because it goes well with the theme of your stories. Keep up the great work!

  19. wow! This is super cute and cleaver! I liked how you went about talking about the garden creatures and making it almost life like, like this could really be happening. I have a huge field behind my backyard and who knows if my cats play with the garden creatures back there, hopefully they're not so mean. Its super cute how you're getting the dogs family to tell puppies the stories, just to warn them. I also absolutely loved the part where the aunt dog, Missy, spoils the puppies with extra treats. I am an aunt and I love to spoil my niece and nephew!
    I would never think of pixies of being so evil, but goodness it was horrifying. I can understand getting revenge because they messed with a ritual, but what they did to squirrels was very messed up. I guess mythical creatures don't really care about acting a little crazy. I loved the whole thing! Keep up the good work!

  20. First, I really liked how you made this story “a story within a story.” These are always so much fun to read and keep the readers engaged! I also love the idea of garden pixies. You did an excellent job describing these creatures and making them come to life! I have never heard of the original story before but it sounds so interesting. I felt like you did an amazing job taking the original story and turning it into your own creation. I really enjoyed how you changed the characters to make them more personal and fun. I feel like you have a wonderful imagination! What if you added a few more pictures to help carry the story along? I feel like pictures help me picture the story even more vividly in my head. This is just a small idea you could think about when you edit your final project! Overall, I loved this story and felt that it was very well written. Keep up the good work!

  21. Hey Madison!
    I read your introduction and I love that your story is being told by a Pekingese. You added great details about the narrator that the reader would definitely be interested to know about it. It just makes the overall reading experience better. Your entire storybook is so different and unique! I had no idea what I would be reading or what I should expect. I especially liked the picture! I love dogs!
    I thought the way you set your first story up had a nice transition into the telling of your first story. I also noticed the spacing within your paragraphs or when other people started talking. This spacing made it easier for me to read and follow along without being distracted with too many words. Your story was not what I thought it would be, which is a good thing. I like being surprised and not being able to guess what happens next. Great job!

  22. Hey Madison! I love Florence and the Machine, so the song you chose for your comment wall is great! Her voice is seriously incredible, makes their music so enjoyable. I need to go back and listen to them more.

    Your storybook was very intriguing, I will have to take time later this week to sit down and read it in it's entirety as it is very obvious that you are a talented writer. Thanks for sharing, I hope you have had a great semester! Good luck on your finals!
