Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Introduction to My Life- A Work In Progress

Hi everyone!

2016 is here and my life is still a work in progress. Here's what you need to know about me for now.

I'm a public relations major and a human relations minor. I'm not sure on what I want the end goal to be, but who is when they're 20? For now I am enjoying school and working on internships to hopefully set myself up for a job once I graduate next December. Here's hoping things fall into place this year!

I'm from Perry, Oklahoma. Perry is a little town up North with about 5,000 people with an average graduating class of 75 people. Although there wasn't much there besides a McDonalds and a mini- Walmart, Perry was a great place to grow up and I wouldn't change that for the world. I go back on the weekends occasionally to visit my family- my little sister Morgan is a sophomore in high school so she has lots of exciting things going on in her life that I like to be there for.

I have four fur babies who have my whole heart- Bear, Coco, Gizmo, and Missy. They are all Pekingese dogs- if you don't know what that is just imagine a pug mixed with a Pomeranian and you've got a Pekingese. They are super cute and I so wish they could come live in Norman with me.

I'm a chocolate and Dr. Pepper addict. I'm not totally sure, but I think it runs in my genes- my mom is also a Dr. Pepper and chocolate lover except occasionally she reaches for the Diet Dr. P.

I love to play tennis. I started playing competitively in junior high and continued through high school. Now I just play occasionally for fun. I have also found that it is a great stress reliever for me. I think its one of those leisurely sports that I'll continue to enjoy for the rest of my life.

I'm kind've a travel junkie. I have always enjoyed traveling but this past summer I studied abroad in Brazil and that's when the travel bug really took hold of me. I would love to travel the world. Needless to say, I hope my future includes A LOT of traveling.

Personal photo of me on the steps to historic Penha church in Brazil, favelas (slums) surround the area in the background.   

I spend a little too much time on Netflix. Greys Anatomy is my all time favorite show, but some others that I'm guilty of binge watching are New Girl, Parks and Recreation, Scandal, 90210, and The 100. As for movies, I love The Blindside and anything else that Sandra Bullock is in.

Mexican food is my absolute favorite. Anytime I ever go out to eat my first choice is a Mexican restaurant, which is probably why my friends have stopped letting me choose where we go for dinner. Ted's is my go to, I just cant get enough chips, queso, and guac.


  1. Hi, Madison. I am a huge fan of Dr.pepper as well. I mean it is kind of irresistible and there is nothing wrong with that. I love your description of Pekingese dogs. I have never heard of the Pekingese before so I could not really get the image of your dogs but it came clear to me when you described them. It must be so nice to have such cute furry babies.

  2. Hi Madison! That is so cool that you're a public relations major, so am I! What classes are you taking for public relations this semester? I really like Mexican food too. I'm from Dallas so I eat Tex-Mex a lot. It's delicious! That's so cool that you play tennis, I used to play tennis while I was growing up! It was nice to meet you and I look forward to reading your other work this semester!

    1. Hi Caitlyn, I'm taking PR Pubs, Social Media Marketing, an internship course, and Lindsey + Asp. And my minor is HR so I'm taking Interpersonal Skills & Group Dynamics for that. I love them all so far! What are you in right now?

  3. Your opening sentence made me smile, Madison! I'm about to turn 52 next month, and my life is still a work in progress ha ha. Although I am pretty lucky to love the job I have now... but it took me until I was almost 40 to find that job. Life can be, well, ... complicated: no surprise about that!

    And how great that you have four Pekingese dogs! I bet they are adorable. So here is an idea; it may sound weird, but bear with me - maybe your four dogs could be the heroes (heroines?) of stories that you write for class. One person wrote stories about the fish in his fish tank last semester, and it actually really worked: he made them the heroes and heroines of traditional folktales and legends, but with fish as the main characters. It was one of my favorite projects from last semester — nobody had ever done anything like it before: Fishy Portfolio Guide (he did it as a Portfolio actually, and he wrote about his fish every week; it was so much fun!)

    I am sure that your dogs would also be worthy heroes (and heroines) in a series of their own adventures! Anyway, something to ponder. I hope you will have fun with the class!

  4. Hi Madison! I'm a Dr. Pepper addict as well. I drink way too much. I've tried to give it up, but it never works out. I also love Mexican food. That is exciting that you got to go study abroad in Brazil. I have never been out of the country, but would love to some day. Hope you do get to travel some more. Good luck this semester.

  5. Haha, you sound like me with the Mexican food... Anytime my fiance brings up where we should eat, and I say "Mexican sounds good," he says, "Well, Mexican ALWAYS sounds good to you." Which is pretty much true. And kind of funny, because my mom is the same way, and I used to not really like Mexican at all (I thought, it's all the same stuff arranged in a different tortilla), but I don't know, something changed, and now I just love queso so much that it doesn't matter. Haha.

    That's awesome that you got to study abroad in Brazil! My sister-in-law had an exchange student from Brazil living with them last year, and then she got to visit herself in the summer. Was it awesome? How's the food there??

    And I totally agree about not knowing what you're going to do with your life... shoot, I'm getting married in a little over a year, and neither of us know exactly what we're going to do career-wise. We just know we want to do it together. But I know it'll work out, and it'll work out with you, too.

    1. And I love Sandra Bullock, too! :D

    2. Hi Chandler, Yes Brazil was awesome! It was quite the culture shock when I stepped off that plane at first. I'm a pretty picky eater so the food in Brazil was normally a little too bizarre for my tastes... I ate a lot of rice and beans, and a lot of grilled cheeses. Also the fruit there is so fresh and wonderful so I ate a lot of that. I became especially wary of the food there after I got food poisoning... then I lived on crackers and Gatorade for a couple days haha. That is so cool that your sister-in law had a Brazilian exchange student staying with her, did you get to interact with him/her much?

  6. I love that you said you're life was a work in progress because I can completely relate! At this age who have no idea where life is going to take us, we are just along for the ride and work to make the best of it! Your fur babies sound precious! I can totally relate to your chocolate addiction! It is definitely a habit I cannot kick! I have always wanted to visit Brazil! You're picture above is amazing and Im sure pictures can't do the real experience justice! If you ever go to Texas, I highly recommend that you try Mi Cocina! It is my favorite Mexican restaurant and in my opinion, the best tex-mex in the world!

    1. I have heard great things about Mi Cocina, also Rosa's? I'm spending my spring break in Texas so maybe I'll get to try them both!

  7. Nice to meet you Madison! I totally understand what you mean about not having your life together. My brother and cousin are still confused about what to do with their life, and they're younger than 20! It's a lot of pressure... but just be aware that life isn't the painted picture that we've always heard of: high school, college, career, marriage, kids, etc. You do YOU! Who knows maybe you'll be our nation's next leader or win the Nobel peace prize. You can do anything :) I also love chocolate but I was never a fan of Dr. Pepper. It taste like cough syrup to me!

  8. Hi Madison! Your introduction was so fun to read! I am a Public Relations major too! Your dogs sound so cute and sweet. I bet you love going home to visit them. I also love love love chocolate (but who doesn’t?!) I also just started playing tennis for fun and I really enjoy it! I hope you have a great semester!

  9. Madison,
    I have seen many girls use this same theme for their blog site, I thought this was interesting. I too love tennis; I played in high school for a few years and loved it. Tennis is so nice because it's a lifetime sport; I can see myself still playing tennis once I am retired. I also see many people who are unsure about what they want to do in life, I guess I would consider myself lucky to have found passion in something at a young age, which is Chemistry (If you have not read my introduction yet). My sophomore high school college prep chemistry teacher was my sole inspiration for following down the path I am still on today. I am also graduating in December if all goes as planned so I am sure we will both be walking across that stage to get those precious diplomas! :P

    1. Yes that is one of the things I love most about tennis.. It's something I can continue to play for literally the rest of my life! My whole family plays so when I'm back in town we always go hit around at the courts even if just for fun!
      As for the blog them, I just love how it looks like a watercolor painting!

  10. Hi Madison, my name is Austin! Its so nice to meet you! We definitely have the love for traveling in common! I'm a pilot and I'm so glad I chose this career path because I love seeing new places and experiencing new things! I can't wait to travel the world! I also tend to binge on Netflix every now and then. I finished the last season of Parks and Recreation not too long ago and I almost cried, I love that show! It's also so crazy that you love Sandra Bullock, she is my favorite actress! I will watch any movie she is in, I don't care what it's about! Hope you have a good rest of the semester!

    1. Hey Austin! Do your future pilot plans include being a commercial pilot for an airline? I ask because I have consider before about being a flight attendant. Have you seen the movie "View from the Top" with Gwyneth Paltrow?... That's what convinced me! Seems like such a cool life to travel that much!

    2. Oh my god. It is so funny that you mention "View From The Top." That is one of my all time favorite movies! Right now I haven't decided on whether or not I want to fly commercially or not. I'm leaning more towards the business side of aviation, but ya never know!

  11. Hi Madison! I don't think I've ever found another person that watches the 100! I started watching it last year, and was so addicted that I even got my boyfriend to watch it with me! I also am a Dr. Pepper addict as well, and have been since 6 AM practices in high school were a thing. I'm actually trying to drink a little less now though, but thats not going too well. Along with these things, I also love traveling! I've never been to Brazil, but maybe I will add that to my travel list. My favorite place that I have been is Venice, Italy. If possible you should definitely try to make it there some day! I hope you have a great semester!

    1. Oh my gosh yes, I haven't met anyone else either that watches the 100! Which is crazy bc its soooo good! My sister and I started it together and I tried to get my roommate into it but the grounders freaked her out.
      As for traveling, I would love to visit Italy!

  12. Hi. It must have been interesting growing up in such a small town. I have family in a small town and when I go to visit them it seems like everybody knows everybody. There definitely seem to be some advantages and disadvantages to it.
    It's cool that you used to play tennis. I have never really done anything like that, but sports sound like they could be fun.

    1. You are so right about living in a small town having its advantages and disadvantages! That's one of the reasons I was so excited to get away and come to college in Norman.
      Tennis is a great sport to try out, it's really so simple and totally a game you can just play for fun!

  13. Hi Madison! It's great to get to know you! I may not know what it is like to grow up in a small town, but we have so many other things in common. I am also addicted to chocolate and Dr. Pepper and I absolutely love my fur baby, Reba. Yours sound super cute and I would love to see a picture of them! I also love Parks and Rec as well. So cool to see so many things in common when we come from such different backgrounds! Good luck on the rest of the semester and the end of your college years!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hi Madison,
    It is really nice to meet you! I liked your introduction and I think we have a lot of common things. I also love to travel a lot and visit as many countries as I can. I am also a chocolate addict and I cannot get enough of ice cream and chips. I wish you all the best in your future career and good luck this semester.

  16. Hey Madison! I also grew up in a small town called Altus, Oklahoma. There are about fifteen thousand more people but I graduated with only 27. I think you can definitely add me to your chocolate addition club! I can never get enough of that stuff. Same thing with Mexican food, there's nothing better. I hope you enjoy the rest of the semester and everything turns out like it should!

  17. Hi Madison! It’s nice to meet you! I am from Edmond and I have heard of Perry, but don’t have a clue where it is in Oklahoma. I’m not a tennis player, but I do love to golf for the same reasons you love tennis. It seems like something I could be doing for a long time to come. I have three dogs and actually got to bring them to Norman with me last year for a semester, so maybe you can talk your parents into letting you have yours here? There’s always a chance.

  18. Hi Madison! I agree--it's always nice to go back and be there for your younger siblings when there's cool stuff going on in their lives. And I totally understand wanting to bring your dogs to Norman, because I love my dog to tiny pieces and I feel like his cuteness would greatly enhance my daily college experience. It's awesome that you're loving school and excited about your internships; I don't know much about either public relations or human relations, but as an anthropologist-in-training I can totally relate to loving to work with people. As for your traveling bug--is there any place in particular you want to visit, or just everywhere in general? Because I can understand everywhere in general...my list of places I want to go gets really long really fast...

  19. Hey Madison! Sounds like we have a lot in common! I am also majoring in public relations and am set to graduate in December. If you have any questions about any of the course specific classes, don't hesitate to ask! Let's see what else... well of course, the most important part of your entire intro! I LOVE chocolate. I'm convinced that it is one of the best things God put on this Earth. I literally could swear by it and I know for sure I got my sweet tooth from my daddy. I know you'll figure out exactly what you want to do with your degree, as well as find a lot of internships to help you figure it all out. I wish you the best of luck in everything!

  20. Hey Madison! I really like your blog.. the theme/background is very interesting and really grabs your attention. I started watching Grey's Anatomy recently and I love it. I didn't think I would like it that much but I find myself watching it now every time I have some free time on my hands. I am on season 3 and can't wait to see what all happens. Blind Side is also one of my top 5 favorite movies as well, I thought Sandra Bullock was unbelievable in it. Definitely inspirational!

  21. Hey Madison! I decided to come back this week and comment on your introduction again because I remember commenting on your page back in the semester and you mentioned "View From The Top" in a previous comment. It's so funny to me that you mentioned that movie because it has been one of my favorites for a very long time. No one I know has ever even heard of it until I bring it up! Anyway, just wanted to come back and wish you good luck on the rest of your semester!

  22. Hey Madison! I am also from a really small town in Oklahoma, so I can relate with you on how different Norman has been for me. While my town was smaller than yours, the average class size of mine was larger than yours. I graduated with about 100 people, but my town was only about 3,000 people. I hope you had had a great semester! Good luck on your finals!
