Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Learning Challenges

Learning and life strategies... I'm finding that I could always use a few more of those. One new thing presented to us in this class is Learning by H.E.A.R.T., which stands for health/happiness, empathy, attention, reading, and time management. Of all of these areas, I think the ones that need the most improvement in my life are time management, reading and happiness.
Since starting college 2.5 years ago I have found that I'm not as good at time management as I once thought I was. This is something I work on continuously to better myself and find new ways to get everything in my life completed on time. Because time management is always on my mind, I am excited to see these challenges and tips and to begin working with them this semester. Fortunately I discovered early on that I was a very visual person and that a planner was a good move to keep me sane.
As for reading, it hit me over Christmas break this year that I hadn't read a book outside of a textbook in about four years. That realization honestly made me sad, and so that is one thing I recently started to work on. I found some books on a shelf back home that I never even opened before and I set aside time each day over break to read. I even asked for a few books for Christmas, mostly self help and inspirational books- I could use a lot of those as I near the end of college. But now as we are back to school I can already tell that is going to be close to impossible for me to finish those books this semester. Needless to say, I could definitely benefit from the learning by reading section of the HEART model. 
Lastly, I've found that happiness is so hard to find, and then to keep, when you have as many things on your mind and on your plate as college kids do. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't say that I'm unhappy, but, I could definitely stand to work on my happiness and in turn the happiness of others.    
 Life strategy meme found on Learning by HEART blog site


  1. Madison, I also struggle with time management. In order to keep my crazy life in sync, I found it helpful to write everything down in a big planner! It keeps me very organized and up to date on all my assignments. I also have wanted to read more. I would suggest starting the Harry Potter series (they are so much fun to read because you get to escape reality for a little!) I hope you are having a great semester so far!

  2. Madison, I also struggle with time management so I can totally relate to you on that one! I have found lately that using my planner on a daily basis as well as getting outside of my apartment to study are really helpful- that way I don't have any distractions or any excuses as to why I didn't start on my assignments earlier! I can also relate to you on not reading any books outside of textbooks since high school...I haven't either. I am definitely trying to work on that as well!

  3. Madison, I can completely relate to you on the time management and reading struggles. They really seem to go hand-in-hand for me. I am so glad to hear that you are trying to work on these things as I think it will totally make your life better! I am also working on these, especially before I head into grad school this summer as it will be even busier than undergrad has been. Best of luck to you and maybe we can continue to encourage each other in our endeavors!
