Monday, January 18, 2016

Brazil- My Favorite Place

This past summer I had the opportunity to study abroad in Brazil. I visited Rio De Janeiro, Salvador, and the remote island of Morro De Sao Paulo. Experiencing the culture of Brazil was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I have a new perspective on life thanks to my study abroad trip. Before Brazil I knew I loved traveling but now I feel called to experience the beauty and the culture of places around the globe. I could talk all day about Brazil, or share the thousands of photos I took, but I'll just share a few for now. Study abroad! Do it!!

Personal photo of our group enjoying a mud bath on the island of Morro... Told you it was remote.  
The famous Christ the Redeemer statue overlooking the city of Rio. One of my favorite places we visited. Source: Wikipedia

Personal photo of the historic Pelourinho neighborhood of Salvador-, the place where the slave trade started in South America.

Personal photo of one of the many tiny monkeys that had taken over the tourist destinations in Brazil.


  1. What a great adventure, Madison! I have had some wonderful friends from Brazil over the years, but I have never had a chance to actually go there. How marvelous! And what great pictures! Maybe you will want to do a Brazilian project for this class — I know a couple of Brazilian folklore collections online that I am sure would be fun to work with: Fairy Tales from Brazil: How and Why Tales from Brazilian Folk-Lore and (by the same author) Tales of Giants from Brazil ... so many excellent stories!

  2. Brazil looks like it would be so much fun. How exciting that you had the opportunity to go. I would love to be able to travel and learn about other cultures first hand. I like Laura's suggestion about possibly doing Brazilian folklore for your project. I'm sure it would be interesting. I love the adorable monkey. It is so cute. I can't imagine seeing monkey's everywhere like that.

  3. Wow, your trip sounds really exciting. I think it would be really interesting to visit someday. I especially like the personal photo you took of the tiny monkey. It sounds like it would be really neat to see animals such as that outside of the zoo. I guess it's kind of similar to how we can see squirrels and other wildlife running around, since many places have different types of wildlife.

  4. Hey Madison! I have never been to Brazil and I want to go visit someday! You’re pictures are breathtaking! Seeing the famous Christ statue in person is definitely on my bucket list! I also thought that it was so interesting that the slave trade in South America started in a neighborhood of Salvador. I would love to study abroad, I am just too scared! If I went with a friend I think that would make me feel more comfortable!
